April 11, 2005
The regular readers can come back now. Did you hear that, kids? Antiques Roadshow will now be seen at its regularly scheduled time again. You will no longer be forced to watch Josh Groban warble at warp speed. Come on back!
Anyhoo...I would like to thank all of my contributors for finally allowing me to claim I'm a "real writer," meaning that I've been paid for my work! You've helped me realize a life goal, and I appreciate it.
For the rest of you slackers, well, eh? As long as you sent me some happy thoughts you're in the clear. You did send some happy thoughts, right? I have this sinking feeling that you didn't and that I won't be able to escape from Neverland and the evil clutches of Captain Hook (ha ha! get it?) anytime soon. So, not only are you cheap ass bastards, you couldn't get it together in time to send me happy thoughts...of all the nerve! Slackers.
The bitterness that I'm not suddenly able to afford a spring getaway to Jamaica aside, the Pay Pal key is still up there. And it's staying put, so throw some cash in the kitty if you ever get the chance. Or you can buy some crap from Cafe Press. Either way is good.
Posted by: Kathy at
11:34 PM
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{Insert Kath feeling mighty uncomfortable about what she is about to do here}
The Cake Eater Chronicles has just morphed into a for-profit enterprise.
Yes. That feeling that just hit your gut is absolutely right on: this is a blegging post.
For almost two years now, I have been using the Cake Eater as a repository for thoughts that had nowhere else to go. Surprisingly, a goodly number of you started showing up to read said thoughts and got something out of them. For that I am eternally in your debt, and as my father is wont to say, "your kindness will never be mentioned." (And, yes, I know that doesn't fit, particularly since I'm mentioning it right now, but it doesn't really fit when my dad says it, either, yet he says it anyway, so like father like daughter, blah, blah, blah.) Nothing is so satisfying to a writer as actually having readers because the whole enterprise is something of a wash if no one really cares all that much. I'm glad to have you, and while in the past I've asked for donations for charitable causes, I've never really asked anything of my readers for myself, other than the odd plea for comments.
That, my devoted Cake Eater readers, is about to change with the FIRST ANNUAL "HAVE-YOUR-CAKE-BLEG-A-THON!"
Yeah, I know. I'm having a hard time getting excited about it, too, so I can't blame you for your lack of enthusiasm.
As many of you know, I do not contribute anything to the GDP of the Cake Eater household. The husband does this and I am grateful to him for it because he works his fine, fine non-ass off at it. But it's time I contributed something. Since the novel isn't in any shape to send out, and I spend a goodly portion of my free time on this thing, I must work with what I've got---which would be you, my devoted Cake Eater readers.
You will notice that on the upper left sidebar, there is a now a PayPal "Make a Donation" key. If you're so inclined, click on it and donate what you can. I'm not that picky. If all you can afford is five bucks, I'm thankful for it. If you are like my mother and are leery of internet transactions, yet would like to contribute, drop me a line and I'll send you the snail mail address to the Cake Eater Pad. If you can't afford to give anything at all (and believe me, I understand that) send me some happy thoughts and all will be well with the world.
Now the reason I am so uncomfortable doing this is because whenever money is involved, strings suddenly become attached. It's just the nature of the beast. This blogging exercise will turn into a quid pro quo excursion and I don't really like the thought of that. I'm selling out. But it's past time for me to do this, hence I will have to suck it up.
Conversely, I also understand that a goodly number of people have been soured on this experience by a particular blogger's bleg-a-thons. This particular blogger not only refused to attach the strings, he blatantly abused his readership in the process by lying to them, and gave the rest of us bloggers an undeserved black-eye in the process. I can't tell you what to do. But I will say this much: I'm not going to guilt you into giving. If you can and you're inclined, thank you very much. I appreciate it. If you can't give anything or have been turned off by blogger bleg-a-thons, no hassles. I understand.
In conclusion, I will say thanks for everything. Showing up, reading, commenting, and if you are able, for helping increase the Cake Eater Household GDP. I appreciate it all.
Posted by: Kathy at
07:52 PM
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Darling Phin, as a contributor to this new blog, has asked his fellow bloggers to provide examples of what agitates them. Instead of hogging his comments section, I decided to post over here, which will also perhaps spread the word about this new blog.
If you're interested in what agitates me as a blogger, well, read on after the jump. more...
Posted by: Kathy at
12:17 AM
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April 02, 2005
I know you really don't want or need to hear it; that my time is my own, etc. Yeah. Ok. That's all well and good but I've noticed a curious phenomenon: whenever I tell you I'm not going to post, you still come by anyways and keep my stats from going to hell in a handbasket. If I don't announce anything, you desert me quicker than a rat on the Titanic and I wind up having to make up lost ground (read I am NOT going back to marauding marsupial status!).
You'd think it'd be the other way round, wouldn't you? But nooooooooo. You, my devoted Cake Eater Readers, are a contrary lot. And I wouldn't have you any other way.
To keep you happy in the meanwhile, here's some hot link on link action.
- It's International Children's Book Day. Michele is reminiscing and would like you to join her in a stroll down memory lane.
- Steve-o is wondering why Saturday brings out the weirdos. I haven't the foggiest. Last night someone got here by Googling "how to carve a boob cake." There was another funny one, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it was.
- Ah-bloody-ha! Fausta finally answers the question I've wondered about for a year: why the hell was someone googling in looking for "Zapatero Bean Morph"? Thank God that mystery was solved!
She also gives good reasoning as to why you should want to bitchslap that little Spanish bastard.
- Ith has a serious list of House spoilers. DO NOT CLICKET IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW. Of course, I clicked and all I can say is Good God, bring 'em on! And I think I'm actually going to have to subscribe to her email list, which will bring me one step closer to stalker status. Eeeew.
Also, on the actual House site linked above, they've produced a list of "House-isms," which pretty much sums up why I like this show so much. Note that there's quite a few good ones left off this list, too. But you can only find out about those if you watch.
- Via email yesterday, Jonathan told me an incredibly amusing tale which made me laugh uproariously. Sadly, I cannot share the details with you because he has forbidden as much, but go on over to the Galley Slaves and bug him to give up the goods. Because this is really something he should share.
That should keep you happy. But if it doesn't, well, you're screwed I suppose. Sorry, but that's just the way life goes, eh? I suppose this would be the perfect time, though, to tell you to go and scroll through the new and improved blogroll on your right. There's bound to be something good there.
UPDATE: Oh, and before I forget: it's my sister Christi's birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTI!
Until November, you're back to being two years older than me!
{Insert triumphant dance of the terminally younger here}
I really am a stinker, aren't I? Heheheheheh.
Posted by: Kathy at
12:17 PM
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