March 28, 2005

Housekeeping Crap

Yeah. I updated the blogroll. Verily, sayeth the Lord, goeth and peruseth.

A brief note about the Cake Eater Blogroll Policy because, invariably, I get a few emails every time I update the stupid thing:

I blogroll blogs I actually, you know, read. If you've made it on there, congratulations! I'm a finicky reader and you passed the test. You should be pleased you have earned the respect and admiration of the Cake Eater. Go treat yourself to an adult beverage and fantasize that I'm at the bar with you. It'll be fun, I promise. I'll wear something low cut just for you. But, no, I won't buy you any shots because shots are eeeeevil and I don't want you puking on my (imaginary) Manolos.

If you didn't make the blogroll {Insert massive, exhausted sigh here} please don't whine and complain about it. Have some pride, for fuck's sake. Don't send me an email asking me to please include your blog on my blogroll. Don't send me an email reminding me that you've linked me so I should return the favor. None of this is going to cut ice with me. Life sucks. Get a helmet.

Why do I have this policy? Because when I make a blogroll, I want to know that it's because someone likes what I've written, not because they thought they needed to emulate Emily Post with the blogosphere etiquette. It's pretty simple.

Don't you want that, too?

Sorry if this is overly snarky, but the expansion this time around was looooong overdue, hence it's jumped a bit in size. I'm just trying to avoid the inevitable if it's at all possible.

Posted by: Kathy at 12:22 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 280 words, total size 2 kb.

March 27, 2005

Easter Dinner


I ate dinner almost six hours ago and I'm still full.

We had:

    Ham (duh). After sticking about a thousand cloves into it, I glazed it with a gooey mixture of brown sugar, dried mustard and vinegar (if you can't figure out what the vinegar is for, just think sweet and sour and you'll get the drift)

  • Pecan topped sweet potatoes. (This actually has a nice brown sugar/butter/flour crumbly topping. Mmmmmm)
  • Biscuits. If I used Bisquik do they count as homemade?
  • Asparagus. And the husband used his skills to whip up some fresh Hollandaise for it. MMMMMMMMMMMM

ML and The Doctor joined us for dinner and they brought cookies for dessert. I'm stuffed.


Posted by: Kathy at 11:33 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 119 words, total size 1 kb.

And Speaking of World of Warcraft

Have I told y'all that the husband has been "contracted" by one of his friends to play the damn game for money?

{Insert sound of Kathy slamming her head on her desk here}

Here's the deal: this gamer friend of the husband's is busy playing another game right now and he doesn't want to take the time and effort to bring his WoW character up to a certain level. He'd rather play the other game, yet he wants to be able to play WoW every once in a while at this one specific level. So he's contracted the husband to do this for him.

For a fee.

Every time the husband now logs in to the game, he cheekily says, "I'm going to work."

{Insert sound of Kathy slamming her head on her desk here. AGAIN}

Posted by: Kathy at 12:37 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 148 words, total size 1 kb.


(Click for larger)

While I agree with Jade about the hideous habit that is scrapbooking (Right on, Sistah!), I think she can still find a better way to spend her time than playing World of Warcraft.

If you're unfamiliar with this cartoon, this is PVP-Online, which is written by the very clever and very funny Scott Kurtz.

Posted by: Kathy at 12:17 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 59 words, total size 1 kb.

Mooovin' On Up

To the east a deluxe apartment in the sky-iiiii

Ok, now that you've got that stuck in your heads, join me in congratulating Doug of Bogus Gold for getting the hell off bugsplat Blogspot.

I hope you're happy in your new home, Doug. You will adore not being held hostage by Blogger's burps, belches and farts.

But you still owe me an essay, dude. {taps fingers impatiently on laptop} Don't think I've forgotten.

Posted by: Kathy at 11:44 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 80 words, total size 1 kb.

March 26, 2005

They Call It March Madness For a Reason

So, was that an awesome last four minutes in regular play, or what?

And thank God for it, otherwise my brackets would have been a complete and utter failure had Illinois not pulled it together.

Posted by: Kathy at 10:58 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 51 words, total size 1 kb.

Observations on Faith (?)

Why do athiests (people who believe there is no God) and agnostics (people who don't believe in organized religion) always feel the need to go round and round about religious matters? If they don't believe in God, or organized religion, why are these people so bloody interested in matters of faith? Could someone explain this one to me, because I'm not getting it.

I ask this knowing full well I'm going to get an earful from the husband---The resident Cake Eater agnostic---later on.

Over the years I've noticed that some athiests and agnostics---the husband included---are as pious in their disbelief as are the most faithful members of any religion. They choose to prostelytize about reason and logic instead of a God. What I would like to know is why do these athiests and agnostics keep harping on about religion and God when they don't believe in any of it? Why does it interest them so? Because, I have to tell you, it smacks of overcompensation, like they have to continually justify their decision not to believe in God.

I have faith. I fully realize that some people don't. That's fine with me. I may be Catholic, but I don't follow the Church line on this one, meaning I don't think people who don't believe are automatically going to hell because the Church said so. Faith, or the lack thereof, is an individual thing. The way I see it, you've got to square all of this for yourself. That's no easy thing, hence I don't judge. I find it sad that some people don't believe, and I do worry about the husband's soul, but I have faith in God to sort it out in the end. I don't have an issue with athiests defending their reasoning, either. If someone attacks you, stick up for yourself, because you're likely to learn something about yourself in the process. I've learned a whole lot about the concept of faith in defending mine from the husband's rhetorical attacks. That's not entirely a bad thing. But for the general discussions on faith, would you athiests and agnostics please---and I ask this as politely as I can---butt the fuck out? It's none of your business anymore. You've declared you don't believe in any of it, yet, for some strange reason, you want a place in the discussion? Well, no. You don't get one.

In case you're wondering, this is the post ---by the usually Uber-sensible Dean Esmay---that set me off.

{hat tip: Robbo}

UPDATE: Dean has some more things to say. That make a great deal of sense.

Posted by: Kathy at 03:24 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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The Interview Game: Questions for Random Pensees

So the next victim interviewee up to bat is Random Pensees, a fellow resident of the moo knew domain and an all-around good guy. He also has the distinct honor of being my very first commenter when I moved over to moo knew. It was a very wonderful welcome that he posted and one that made me feel as if I had made the right move, the scariness of movable type notwithstanding.

Not like that's going to make me go easy on him, though.

Since RP is an exceedingly busy guy, I've told him he has some leeway on when he can post his answers on his own blog. I will update when he posts them, so keep checking back. He will need to include the rules in his post, so he can have the ultimate fulfillment that is payback by grilling a few of his own victims.

1. You're a corporate litigator. The lawyers I used to work with would occasionally become tired of cleaning up other people's messes---and would whine about it. If you could, what would you say to a particularly idiotic client if you didn't have to fear the loss of their billable hours?

2. You live and work in the NYC metropolitan area. For those of us who have never been, explain the pros and cons of living and working in that city.

3. If you could become a cat burglar, and were able to access (albeit illegally) any musuem in the world, knowing that a. what you're choosing to steal is for your personal pleasure and b. you wouldn't be caught, what piece of art would you choose to steal and why?

4. You're an anonymous blogger. Why did you choose to blog anonymously? Do you feel it gives you more leeway to write certain things than if you attached your name to your work? Do you ever feel the compulsion to fib to your readers, knowing full well that they'd have no idea if you were telling the truth or not?

5. Name your all-time favorite book. Why do you love it so?

Posted by: Kathy at 11:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 364 words, total size 2 kb.

March 25, 2005

The Interview Game: Questions For The Pious Agnostic

Ah, Good ol' Rob.

If you don't know Rob---and God only knows why you wouldn't be familiar with Rob, because he's marvelous and you're a slacker if you're not reading him daily---he runs his blog from the vast wilderness that is Orlando, Florida, where he visits places like Gatorland. He then calls up Manolo Blahnik and tells him which gators are primed and ready to be worn on my feet. He's a pal that way. Anyway, so you all can become a wee bit more familiar with my buddy Rob, I'm going to ask him five questions and he will reply.

I'll link to his answers when he has them ready to go. He will need to include the rules to the Interview Game in his post, which he can cut and paste from my original post, so he can grill a few of his own commentors.

Are we all ready? Okedokey. And away we go.

1. Who would you want to be: John Wayne or Kurt Russell pretending to be John Wayne? Why?

2. Who would win in a mud wrestling match: Lizzie Bennet or Emma Woodhouse? Why?

3. Explain how one can title their blog "Pious Agnostic," and yet still post about going to church.

4. You're a gamer. Try and explain for the non-gaming junkies of the world what games you like to play and why you like to play them. What do you get out of this activity? And does your habit drive your wife and family nuts? Or have they drank the kool-aid, too?

5. What is the symbol for Fool's Gold? (He promised to brush up on his chemistry. I'm just seeing if he actually did.)

UPDATE: Rob has answered! Go and read!

Posted by: Kathy at 10:09 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 305 words, total size 2 kb.

And That Diva Sez

See? I knew y'all hadn't suddenly become well-adjusted human beings! You filled up the inbox and our beloved Silk has answered all of your very important questions.

A word to the (not so) wise: Sadie will don the omniscient hat next week. Have your questions into the divassez mailbox by next Thursday evening.

Posted by: Kathy at 09:25 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 61 words, total size 1 kb.

March 24, 2005

Asked and Answered

Zonker asked how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.

Sadie answered.


UPDATE: Linky fixed.

Posted by: Kathy at 09:49 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 29 words, total size 1 kb.

The Interview Game

So, as related in this post, I now get to subject a few bloggers to a Richard Nixon-style grilling interview a few of my very own commenters/bloggers.

This will be fun.

The victims interviewees are:

  • Rob the Pious Agnostic
  • Random Pensees
  • Phoenix of Villains Vanquished
  • and last but not least...

  • houseguest extraordinaire, Rich, who is Seldom Sober
  • The schedule is as follows. Rob will be grilled on Friday. RP needs some time to get this done, so his questions will be posted on Saturday and we will hope he finds the time to get them done over the weekend, and if not, he can post whenever he gets over his jetlag. Phoenix is slated for Monday, and Rich's weekend hangover should have dissipated by Tuesday morning so he should be capable of answering questions by then.

    In the meantime, I will be formulating questions in the basement using my junior chemistry set. You can find me there if you really need me.

    Posted by: Kathy at 12:17 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
    Post contains 168 words, total size 1 kb.

March 23, 2005

Tummy Ache

Last night I'm whipping through Conde Nast Traveler again, and I come across an article titled: A Nonstop, Unapologetically High-Calorie Foodie's Tour de France. So, of course, being a foodie, I'm automatically obliged to read the damn thing. (Of course, it's not online yet, but you'll just have to take my word for it. You trust me, right? Ok. Good.)

The premise behind this article is that Traveler sent the author and a friend on a twenty-some-odd-day tour of France's finest restaurants at the same time the actual Tour was occurring last summer. "Nice work if you can get it," you're undoubtedly saying. I thought the same thing as I settled in to read. But I was very, very wrong. After I finished the article, I thought two weeks, being forced to eat slops in a Turkish prison would be a more pleasant and interesting experience.

If you're interested in how I came to this conclusion, read on after the jump. more...

Posted by: Kathy at 01:04 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 1913 words, total size 11 kb.

Flirty: The Other Side of the Coin

The Wizard, on behalf of the The Men's Club, has posted the Official Male Response (TM).

My only comment: I adore purple highlights.

Posted by: Kathy at 09:38 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 37 words, total size 1 kb.

March 22, 2005

Getting To Know You...

...Getting to know all about you.
Getting to like you,
Getting to hope you like me.

Getting to know you,
Putting it my way,
But nicely,
You are precisely,
My cup of tea.

Ooops. Er. Was having a Deborah Kerr moment there and I got stuck in it.

Anyhoo, it's somewhat relevant. Margi, the uber babe, has some questions she needs to ask me, to fulfill her obligations to the Interview Game. I suppose I should get around to answering them. But first, this is a meme, so it gets passed along. Here are the rules:

  • Leave me a comment saying “interview me”. The first five commenters will be the participants.

  • I will respond by asking you five questions.

  • You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions.

  • You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

  • When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. (Write your own questions or borrow some.)

If you're interested to know all about me, read on after the jump. more...

Posted by: Kathy at 01:59 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 1670 words, total size 10 kb.


It's Tuesday, so of course it's Demystifying Diva Day. The topic we magnificent divas are tackling this week is flirtation do's and dont's....for men. After all, we lassies are all about demystifying things for you lads. It seems the least we can do is to tackle the hard topics ala Dan Rather. In other words, you'll find yourself somewhat informed, if you can successfully navigate the frog gigging references.

Now, personally, I enjoy flirtation. Always have. It's easy for me because I am a natural born flirt. Mom drank something when she was preggers with me and it's affected my behavior in this respect ever since. Honestly, I couldn't shut the damn gene off if I tried. But, honestly, who wants to shut off the flirty gene? Where's the fun in that? Anyway, because I'm good at this, I've noticed where certain men tend to fail in their effort to be good little flirts. In case you hadn't noticed, flirting is about sending off signals and, on the other end of things, learning how to read said signals properly. As such, these are my observations.

  • First off, groom yourselves, darlings. {Insert Edna Mode voice here} Mediocrity is everywhere, darlings. You want to be a god? Well, notice that Zeus takes a bath and shaves on a daily basis. He also uses a good moisturizer and brushes his teeth. He also does something with the ear and nose hair, too, but I can't be bothered to tell you what. Because it's just gross. Oh, and Product! Product is good as well so you hair doesn't stick up at all ends. But in the end, darlings, it's all about the clothes. Don't dress like a hobo or the object of your affection will treat you like one. {/Edna voice} Seriously, lads. Take care of this sort of thing and you won't be wondering if it was you that turned her off, or if it was the dreaded something else.
  • Look me in the eyes, darling. Don't look at my tits or my ass. I don't mind a little surreptitious gazing because, after all, I do want to know if you're gay or not. But don't stand there, blatantly gazing at my breasts, like I'm a New York Strip and you're a pitbull, wondering best how to tackle the problem at hand. It's not likely to get you anywhere.
  • You're not in college anymore, so don't tell me I'm wearing a great shirt, but that it would look even better on your floor. Don't ask me how I like my eggs in the morning, because I'm likely to come back with the word, "UNFERTILIZED!" You're not in Kansas anymore. Leave the corn at home.
  • Touch. Touch is good. A delicate finger along my hand is good. A hand that hovers in midair around my breasts, then actually reaches hesitantly for the nipples---in a public place---is not. Remember most women like to be thought of as nice. We do not like it when men do not think of us this way.
  • Open your mouth and speak. Let the words ring forth. Women can understand nervousness. We can understand the hesitancy to make an ass out of yourself. What we cannot abide is someone who sends soulful glares from across the room for hours on end and then does nothing about it. Bleh. If you're worried about coming up with small talk, allow me to let you in on a little trick: ask questions. Then follow those questions up with other questions. The key to doing this successfully is to listen to the answers she gives you. Before you know it, you'll either find out that you have nothing in common, or you'll be embroiled in an hours long conversation that just might be the highlight of your evening. The point is, however, you won't know unless you go up and talk to her.
  • A quick note about rings: if there's something on her left hand (or yours for that matter) just don't, ok. Adultery is so not worth the hassle.
  • Don't try to be clever with your advances. Put yourself out there. Be a man, in other words. As you like to remind us every so often, you're descended from cavemen/hunter/gatherers. Go out and act like your prehistoric ancestors and try to hunt and gather. For instance, don't send her a drink; go up to her and ask her if you can buy her one instead. I can tell you from experience that if a woman is even reasonably attractive, she's had men send her drinks before. It gets old. Be fresh, unique and honest---ask her yourself.

And that's it, gents. The Cake Eater Flirtation dos and don'ts. Pretty simple stuff, on the whole.

My fellow divas, Silk, Sadie and Chrissy have their own takes on flirtation. Go read.

We also have a new feature this week. Some men have decided to get in on the Diva action and have formed, ahem, The Men's Club. Puffy (the first fish blogger, who would like you to know that despite his fins, he's ALL MALE, ALL THE TIME, BABY), The Wizard, and Phin and Zonker are the members of this exclusive little boys club and they will be preparing the Official Male Response (TM) every Wednesday to our little essays. The Wiz is up this week.

Should be fun to flip the coin, no?

Posted by: Kathy at 10:40 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
Post contains 900 words, total size 6 kb.

March 21, 2005


The Microsquash Pineapple has undergone a modification. What can we say? We hacked it. (Hahaha. Get it?) Er, anyway, I present to you, my devoted Cake Eater readers---ahem---The Microsquash Pineapple: The Cake Eater Mod.

Pineapple 008.jpg

Gawd. I crack myself up sometimes.

Posted by: Kathy at 11:58 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 42 words, total size 1 kb.

Don't Y'all Have Any Questions?

Apparently the blogosphere is in good mental shape. The mail box is empty!

Quelle Horreur!

I can't believe you've all become that well adjusted since Friday, so I'll just assume you're shy. C'mon. Let your inner demon go wild. Shoot all your very imporant questions into our mailbox by 6pm GMT Thursday so Silk can have a go at answering them.

Posted by: Kathy at 02:47 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 72 words, total size 1 kb.


Holy covert site redesign, Batman!

Even though he sits less than five feet away from me, I generally have no clue what the husband is working on. Hence, it was a bit of a surprise to see Toon Girl had made her appearance.

His muttering about cascading style sheets should have tipped me off.

Anyhoo, if anyone's having issues seeing toon girl or she's rendering oddly in whatever weird-ass-obscure-browser you're using, throw your whines into the comments. She should be ok in both Firefox and IE. Anything else, well, we don't know.

Many thanks to the husband for all of his hard work keeping lil' ol clueless me from screwing things up.

And, once again, if you want to go and look at cartoon pinup girls, head over to Rion Vernon's. He's got what you need.

Posted by: Kathy at 01:24 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
Post contains 138 words, total size 1 kb.


I missed this one. George Kennan, 101, died last week in Princeton.

If you don't know who George Kennan---or his alter-ego Mr. X---was, you're forgiven. It's one of those obscure things you learn as a political science major, but hasn't spread much to the mainstream. In 1946, Kennan, who was working at the US Embassy in Moscow sent back to Dee Cee what will forever be referred to as the "Long Telegram." In it, he sounded the first post-war alarm about Stalin's ambitions and behavior, in effect, predicting the Cold War. He proposed what was ultimately to become the linchpin in the U.S.'s policy toward the Soviet Union: containment. He was the one who coined the phrase and the next year, he condensed the "Long Telegram" into an article for Foreign Affairs and published it under the psuedonym "X." If you're interested in reading it, you can find the article here.

In short, he was the guy who came up with the original strategy that helped us to ultimately win the Cold War. He deserves a healthy heaping of gratitude for his foresight.

RIP Mr. X.

(Cross posted you know where)

Posted by: Kathy at 12:33 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 197 words, total size 1 kb.

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